Association Voir c'est Toucher
Banque Raiffeisen
IBAN : CH80 8080 8002 7637 8484 1
The work is based on a book of the same name whose images and texts were also designed by the artist Sara.H. You have the opportunity to acquire this book.
You can ask for the book to the association in bookstores:
N° ISBN 978-2-8251421-34
Price: CHF 20.00
You can also leaf through it, listen to it or read it online at
The work is based on a book of the same name whose images and text were also designed by the artist Sara.H. You have the opportunity to acquire this book.
Discover the tale L'Arbre Musicien, published by Editions Garbo Studio. You can ask for it from the association or in bookshops: French: ISBN 978-3-9524709-47 German: ISBN 978-3-9524709-54
Price: CHF 20.00
You can either make your payment by TWINT:
You can either make your payment by Paypal:
Either by bank transfer :
Association Voir C'est Toucher
Rte d'Orbe 9 - 1438 Mathod - Suisse
IBAN : CH51 8047 2000 0059 0252 8
You can either make your payment directly by TWINT:
You can either make your payment directly by Paypal:
Either by bank transfer :
Association Voir C'est Toucher
Rte d'Orbe 9 - 1438 Mathod - Suisse
IBAN : CH51 8047 2000 0059 0252 8