Voir c'est Toucher

I participate in the creation of a new park



The association "Voir c'est Toucher" has been founded to create and develop sculpture parks for visually impaired people.

The goal of the association is to install sets of bronze sculptures, illustrating tales and stories. They are to be set up in an open air place  available to a large public. The sculptures are particularly made for being touched and come with explanations in Braille writing.

The main responsibilities of the association are fund raising and the promotion of the projects. Its very first goal was the set-up of the Légende d’Automne project in the Parc de la Légende located in Lausanne, a park that has been offered by the City for this purpose.

The association is state-approved and tax-exempt.

Realisations & projects

Légende d’Automne - Autumn Legend
This first park has been installed at Lausanne /Switzerland in 2015

L’Arbre Musicien - Musician Tree
Creation of the second park is planned at Sion /Switzerland in 2022

Human Rights Sculpture Park
A project in preparation
in California /USA Discover
in Switzerland Discover

Comittee Members

  • President - Gisela Raeber
  • Vice president - Marie-Hélène Heusghem
  • Secretary - David Perroud
  • Treasurer - Dominique Seitz
  • Assessor - Marc-Antoine Surer
  • Assessor - Nicolas Gattlen